Natural Rubber Production

The production process of natural rubber begins with the cultivation of rubber trees (Havea brasiliensis). Rubber trees must be allowed to grow for about seven years before they become viable for harvesting rubber. Once the trees have reached the appropriate level of maturity, they will be tapped. Tapping generally occurs every two to three days, but never more often than once per day. The tapping process involves stripping away a small section of bark at a slight angle to facilitate latex drainage. The same area of the tree can be tapped repeatedly. When a particular area of the tree is tapped out, a new portion of the tree will be tapped. It generally takes seven years for a tapped area to heal sufficiently to be tapped again. A tree will normally produce about half a cup of latex per day. Once the latex has been collected, it will be mixed with a diluted acid. The rubber/acid mixture is then rolled twice. The first rolling is to remove excess water. The second rolling is to texture the rubber. The rubber is dried and can then be sold or exported.

Rubber Roll

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